Saturday 17 September 2011

[Plan] Week4: 5 Sep 2011 - Greetings


I am on a roll here, doing three study plans one after another, one more to go and then I will be up-to-date.

Cultural tidbit of the week:- Greetings with a bow

The vocabulary to be learnt this week:-

  • Adjective: to be well
  • Copula: to be (equation) 이다 (이에요/예요)
  • Number: sino-numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4
  • Particle: also, too 도; topic particle 은/는
  • Pronoun: I
  • Expression:
    • "Hello." 안영하세요?
    • "Goodbye." - to the one staying 안영히 계세요.
    • "Goodbye." - to the one leaving 안영히 가세요.

The grammer points to be digested:-
  1. Equational expressions: [Noun1]은/는 [Noun2]이에요/예요
  2. Omission of redundant elements
  3. Comparing items: 은/는 vs 도

Here is my study plan for the week beginning 05 September 2011.

Here are my views on the learning resources that I have chosen:-

  • I find the conversation audio in IK a bit too fast for an absolute beginner, I have to concentrate very very hard to catch every word and meaning , even after I have studied and memorised all the necessary vocabulary for that conversation.
  • I like the TTMIK podcast lessons and the accompanying PDF notes very much, each lesson contains bite sized Korean words/phrases so it is not very difficult to 'master' those and then move on to the next lesson. I also enjoy the exchanges between the two main presenters, fairly relaxed.
    The best of all is that everything is FREE. TTMIK 재미있어요!!!
  • KoreanClass101 on the other hand, I find the podcast lessons (the Newbie Season 1 anyway) a bit staged.
    However, I do find the PDF lesson notes very good and detailed, so it should be as I have paid for a yearly premium subscription for this learning site, since that's the only way to get access to the lesson notes and referencing facilites.

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