Monday 17 October 2011

[Plan] Week10: 17 Oct 2011 - Review


I have completed Integrated Korean Beginning 1 Lessons 1 and 2, so it's time to stop and do a check-point of everything that I have learnt so far and do a bit of review.

This review is to cover the following materials:-

  1. Integrated Korean Beginning 1 - Lessons 1 and 2
  2. TTMIK Level 1 - Lessons 1 to 20
  3. KoreanClass101 Newbie Season 1 - Lessons 1 to 10
The aim is to run through all the vocabulary I have encountered so far and try to remember as much as I can. At the same time, I am to tidy up all my handwritten notes on grammar points and start typing them up into a word document and build up my own collection of Korean Grammar "bank".

Here is my review plan for the week beginning 17 Oct 2011

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